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Teri Quin and Scotty Eggleson

Attending Writers on the Rocks at The Westport Saloon is a lot like sitting around a warm campfire listening to friends play some amazing roots music to the dancing fire light with lots of Four Roses Whiskey at your (ok, the bar tender's) fingertips. On December 5, 2017 Teri Quin and Scotty Eggleson took the stage to bring us some amazing acoustic music. They took turned sharing their songs with their stories.

Teri's voice is like whiskey and honey. Their is a power to her voice mixed with a sweetness. Teri's music is a working out of life. In her lyric's you will hear a heaviness in the figuring it out, but her music has an enchanting beauty that makes the difficult things beautiful. Scotty plays the guitar with commanding beauty. His tunes have a feel good upbeat vibe, but like Teri, many of his lyrics are figuring out the difficult side of life. Teri and Scotty’s music paired perfectly.

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