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Calvin Arsenia - Catastrophe

Calvin Arsenia will be releasing his first full length album, Catastrophe, on Tuesday, November 15, 2016 at the recordBar. I (Kimmy) had the honor of interviewing Calvin at his studio. It was a pleasant evening with a beautiful sunset in the Crossroads as we sat down to talk. I had the pleasure seeing Calvin Arsenia play for the first time at the Tank Room in July and was impressed with his angelic voice and beautiful playing. I hadn't heard anything like his music before. I was a little nervous walking up to his studio, I had never actually met Calvin and he was incredibly talented. I spent a lot of time coming up with questions in hopes of asking new questions and lucky for us, I asked questions he hadn't been asked before. There was a pretty instant connection in a genuine conversation. There was warmth and comfort in the room as we talked and laughed about his musical career, the new album Catastrophe, and just a little bit of life advice. I'm so excited to share this interview with y'all. As an added bonus, Calvin agreed to sing a song to go along with the interview. He sang New World by Bjork A cappella. The album release party will be at the recordBar. There are 15 great reasons to go to the album release party. You can read them here. Now that you've read the list and listened to the interview, you can jump over here to get tickets. If you really are into all of this, then go big and be a sponsor. You can listen to the whole interview here:

Photo Credit Jenny Wheat

Posted 17th October 2016 by Kimberly

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